Thursday, February 21, 2008

Recovery Pt. 2

They say the quickest way to being happy
is to remember what makes you the happiest.
They say the quickest way to freedom
is to do the things that make you feel freest.

They also say the road to recovery is long and hard
and you can travel for miles and miles and not get very far,
But they also say the opposite; that happiness is a step away,
But if we all take the road less traveled, it's all ends up the same.

So here's to that simple step to recovery
The laughter found in the closest friends
And the bond that's shared that bends
but never breaks
and always makes
it easier to live for
just one more day.

Here's to that first footfall towards success
And the striving goal to reach the best
and the drive to make up for the rest
of the time
lost in rhyme
and reason:
thinking but never doing.

Here I cheer for fear of mere insecurities
that can easily be overcome
with the help of those most dear.
Here I wail for failures of well-laid plans
that never came true
because something or someone bailed.

It may be a long road to recovery
But the first step is the worst.
Cause the blades get duller
and the feet grow stronger
with each passing day
With each pressing blade
against the bare souls
of uncovered feet of an old,
tarnished life.

It may be a long journey to recovery
But just open your eyes and see
That no matter the pressures
or pain or sadness or rain
The first step is the hardest
and the first step is fifty paces back
And five fathoms below where you are now,
Because look to the world around you
and happiness can so easily be found.

Just open your eyes
to the happiness inside
each and every last
one of us.

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